Lepo vabljeni na okroglo mizo, posredujemo vam vabilo v angleškem jeziku, to bo tudi jezik srečanja
FeeL thE wind To fill the Sails is an Erasmus + Sport project based on social inclusion of blind people in the world of sailing. Our goal was to organise a course on sailing dinghies for visually impaired people involving sailing instructors from different countries. We wanted to show them that in this sport, there is almost no difference between a sailor that can and cannot see. The results have been astonishing: not only did all blind sailors learn how to steer a course by themselves, but they also competed as a team at the biggest race in the world leaving over 1700 boats behind them!
We are organising a round table to present the result of our work, with videos and testimonials from the blind sailors. The round table is public.
If you are interested in this project, if you have any connection with sailing or with the world of visually impaired people, if you have ever done something similar or if you are just curious, please join us on the 2nd of February at 09.00 UTC!
Link for the round table: https://us02web.zoom.
We hope to meet you there!